Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas #3

We had our 3rd Christmas celebration at my parents (kari) house. My camera wasn't working so I was just making faces as Bo tried to get a decent picture. Oops...

Bows didn't go to my parents with us but somehow this picture of her was imported with the pics so here's another insideout picture of her. She didn't get anything for Christmas. :(

mom opening presents

Dad going to bed because he was sick. I got a smile out of him on his way out though.

Trina, Joe & Chloe. I swear I've never taken a picture of them that wasn't gorgeous, it's ridiculous how cute they ALWAYS look in pictures.

And an actual smile when the camera was working again.

We hope you had as Merry a Christmas as we had all 3 times!

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